Checkweigher HR600
In pharmaceuticals, precise measurement is essential for quality and safety. Checkweighers play a vital role by accurately assessing lightweight pharmaceuticals, including elements like inserts and dispensers. Our high-performance checkweighers ensure accurate weight control for packaged products down to milligram-level accuracy. They integrate seamlessly into production lines, ensuring accurate dosing and patient safety. Our error detection systems operate autonomously, enhancing accuracy.
- Perfect coupling with infeed cartoning machine via Top-Bottom gripping system and stabilization conveyor
- Open flap control implementable, with a dedicated rejection system
- Weighing unit with little flat belt conveyors for background noise reduction
- High-speed and high-resolution load cell
- Fail-safe design: the product is kept inside the equipment,
even in the event of missed reject
- Tangential belts with top-down rejection
- Micrometric handwheels for fixed alignments regulation
- Suitable for a wide range of formats
- Modular, accessible, stable and compact framework
Meer informatie over dit product?
- Voorkomt kostbare boetes en beschermt merkbescherming door 100% van de productie te inspecteren
- Verbeterd het verpakkingsproces en verhoogt de Algemene Apparatuur Efficiëntie (OEE)
- Beheert gemakkelijk interconnectie en externe ondersteuning, in overeenstemming met Industry 4.0